Therapy for Adults

Sometimes the pressures of life become so overwhelming that people easily lose sight of their strengths and capabilities.   I strive to support others in the process of honing their strengths and help them create a more fulfilling life in work, love and play. Our work together will focus on developing the tools and the practical skills allowing you to meet the challenges of life with calmness and confidence. Therapy will also cultivate acceptance skills to cope with the difficult parts of your life that are not changeable.  Creating a balance between change and acceptance is a struggle.  People often need support in negotiating this challenging dynamic.  I will support you and collaborate closely with you on this journey.


Therapeutic Approach:

Talk Therapy: All of us benefit from a safe place to explore our current lives, including our concerns, emotions, and hopes for the future.  Without space to do so, we often avoid exploring the patterns that keep us from developing the life we desire.  Together, we can look at all the puzzle pieces within your life to gain perspective and insight.  And working through current emotions in a supportive environment helps move past hurt toward healing and hope for the future.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): When we allow ourselves to talk  about our lives more authentically, we benefit from developing new skills to manage the sometimes challenging emotions that may surface.   Relaxation and calming techniques can help regulate emotional intensity, while providing a greater sense of well being overall.   Working through patterns of negative thinking can help provide  perspective in challenging moments.  And changing undesirable behaviors offers room for feeling differently and taking part in activities that serve us better.

Mindfulness: Becoming aware of one’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors with a non-judgmental attitude is the foundation of mindfulness. Bringing this into our daily lives helps to bring a greater sense of calm and self-efficacy, and greater clarity around our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.  We can all benefit from learning to ride the waves of our moment-to-moment experience.



  • Anxiety, either mild to severe, that impacts your ability to engage socially, feel confident, focus on work or school, and be creative
  • Depression
  • Addiction & Substance Abuse and negative coping skills that bring both short term relief yet long term difficulties
  • Infidelity, deciding whether to remain in your relationship, and redeveloping trust and intimacy in your current or new relationship after an affair
  • Thoughts of Suicide, death, or feelings of hopelessness
  • Dissatisfaction in Relationships 
  • Feeling Stuck, and unable to make the changes you long for in your life or feeling dissatisfied in your work, family, or personal life